हाम्रो बारेमा

Lake Conservation and Development Authority (LCDA) has been established in the year 2020 with an objective for the conservation of lakes and to bring all round year development in and around the lakes which calls for multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary activities. The LCDA seeks to solidify common respect for the conservation and management of lakes, maintain a healthy resource base, and sustain healthy conditions for future generation.
LCDA aims to promote an ecosystem approach to wetland management in Gandaki Province, with appropriate capacity building, legal and policy strengthening. LCDA focus on the conservation and sustainable use of environmentally vulnerable areas, as well as emphasis on development of replicable models of wetland management and their replication is in total conformity with the Operational Program. LCDA is established with the objective of Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production landscapes and Sectors. LCDA is especially relevant on mainstreaming of biodiversity within production systems, as programs outcome focus on integrating biodiversity conservation within national development and conservation planning frameworks, strengthening institutional capacity and increasing awareness, as well as developing appropriate partnerships between agencies and with local communities and private enterprises to support improved management and sustainable use of wetlands products and services.

शिर्षक प्रकाशन मिति विवरण
मौजुदा सूची दर्ता गर्ने सम्बन्धी सात (७) दिने सूचना हेर्नुहोस्
आ.व. २०८०/०८१ को मौजुदा सूची दर्ता गर्ने सम्बन्धी सूचना हेर्नुहोस्
शिर्षक प्रकाशन मिति विवरण
शिर्षक प्रकाशन मिति विवरण
आ.व. २०७९/०८० को बार्षिक प्रतिवेदन हेर्नुहोस्
पम्पलेट विश्व सिमसार दिवस २०२२ हेर्नुहोस्
आ.व. २०७७/०७८ को बार्षिक प्रगति पुस्तिका हेर्नुहोस्

शम्भु कुमार मिश्र

कार्यकारी प्रमुख

कमल लम्साल

सुचना अधिकारी